AGILE - Agile for Line Managers and Business - Foundation
Kort om undervisningen
Agile for Line Managers and Business is a foundation course for the project responsible leaders of Scrum Development projects.
The course is designed for leaders who seek to understand where Agile Development brings value and how to avoid the pitfalls.
During the course you will gain insights into how you handle an Agile Team, how you measure success, and how you scale the project effort to increase the project velocity.
Note the time: 9:00-11:00
The course covers the following topics:
- Agile fundamentals
- Maximizing value and minimizing risk
- Iterative and Incremental Development
- Flow efficiency versus Resource efficiency
- Scrum in three slides
- Scaling Agile
- Agile product planning and budgeting
- Projects in an Agile environment
- Cross functional and self organizing teams
- The Agile Manager
- Agility metrics and maturity
- Agile transformation
- Pitfalls
To participate, a basic knowledge of Agile Development disciplines is expected.
The course is designed for Line Managers, Business Managers, and Product Managers.
Efter kurset kan deltageren
Supervise an Agile Development process, understanding all the moving parts, and why the Agile way of working adds value to the project.
Lead the team towards greater Agile maturity.
Videre forløb
A more detailed study of Agile for Team Members is available as AGILE - Agile for Team Members - Foundation and a similar course for Product Owners is available as AGILE - Agile for Product Owners - Foundation.
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