Hashicorp Vault - Introduction

Kort om undervisningen

Hashicorp Vault is a technology that provides a strong solution to a range of security related functionalities and challenges, including:

  • Shared handling of secrets
  • Access auditing
  • Keeping secrets secure by encrypting when in transit and at rest
  • Revoking access when employees leave the organisation
  • Time limited access keys
  • And many more ...

Hashicorp Vault shines in the simplicity of its design and in the way it integrates with a range of technologies and in its openness for integration with others.


The intro includes high level examples based on realistic (though simplified) scenarios for larger IT companies explained from the perspective of the Developer, IT-Security, DevOps and Operations.

The intro also includes low level examples (API level), aiming to de-mystify the actual interactions with Vault from the perspective of user, machine and application level.


ill give you an overview of what Hashicorp Vault does, and how it fits in your IT ecosystem. 
The intro includes high level examples based on realistic (though simplified) scenarios for larger IT companies explained from the perspective of the Developer, IT-Security, DevOps and Operations.
The intro also includes low level examples (API level), aiming to de-mystify the actual interactions with Vault from the perspective of user, machine and application level.


No prerequisites for participation are required.

Efter kurset kan deltageren

The intro will give you an overview of what Hashicorp Vault does, and how it fits in your IT ecosystem.

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