Oracle Cloud - Application Builder Cloud Service - Foundation
Kort om undervisningen
Every organization needs lots of little systems to handle unique requirements that are not handled well by their standard systems. If IT cannot quickly deliver user-friendly and visually attractive applications, end users will develop chaotic shadow systems using spreadsheets and documents.
To meet this need for quick development of smaller applications, Oracle now offers Application Builder Cloud Service (ABCS). With a purely web based, visual development approach, a developer can build and deploy applications in days, not weeks. Data can be defined and stored in ABCS, or can come from REST web services. With full development lifecycle support, ABCS handles multiple application versions in development, test/staging and production deployment.
Course topics include:
- Signing up for Oracle Cloud services
- Application Builder Cloud Service (ABCS) overview
- ABCS development workflow
- Creating an application
- Designing pages
- Securing an application
- Consuming REST services
- Creating custom ABCS Business Objects
- Importing and exporting data
- Sharing ABCS data as REST services
- Staging and publishing an application
This course uses a 30-day Oracle Cloud trial that we sign up for on the first day. To sign up, you need a mobile phone number and credit card that hasn't been used for an Oracle Cloud trial before. The card will not be charged. General programming skills will be helpful, but no specific programming language required.
All developers who need to build small ad-hoc applications with an attractive user interface.
Efter kurset kan deltageren
This two-day course in Oracle Application Builder Cloud Service gives a developer all the skills necessary to build both user interface and business objects, and to interact with REST web services. After completing the course, the participant will be able to use ABCS to meet real business needs.
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